Real Daughter
Sarah Weeks Hurlbutt
Real Daughter Marker in Pennsylvania (#30188)
Cloos Cemetery
Chatham Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania
41.889781, -77.384693
Historical Significance:
Sarah Weeks Hurlbutt, Pennsylvania Real Daughter, was the daughter of Elijah Week, Revolutionary War soldier from Massachusetts. Members of Wellsboro Chapter, NSDAR, attended the Real Daughter marker dedication. Pennsylvania State Society DAR Vice Regent Bobbi McMullen introduced eleven of Sarah Hurlbutt’s family members who came from New York, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Florida for the dedication. Representing Major Winfield Scott Chapter, NSDAR, at the ceremony were Regent Judy Huber and Registrar Barbara Hanson.
October 8, 2011
Major Winfield Scott Chapter, NSDAR